Thursday, October 1, 2015

2015 October Frights Blog Hop - "Harvest" #paranormal #flashfiction & BETWEEN Prize Package #Giveaway #Octoberfrights

Welcome to the 2015 October Frights Blog Hop 
Join 40+ paranormal and horror authors for ten days of screaming good fun. Books and prizes to be won!
Hosted by me (Clarissa Johal)

From October 1-10th, join me for free short stories, exclusive excerpts, and Rafflecopter contests. I'm offering signed paperbacks & ecopies of my books, AND some awesome prizes. On October 10th, there's a grand prize so be sure and stop by then!

I'm going to kick off my ten days with a bit of paranormal flash fiction...

Photo courtesy of Jonny Williams via Flickr
Harvest by Clarissa Johal

The stranger had been following her for a while. She'd managed to dodge him, taking several wrong turns, and feeling like she had the upper hand. There had been a few instances where he'd almost caught up with her, but luck was on her side.

Not today, she thought. Not now. Stealing across the cemetery, she felt it was the last place he'd expect her to go. The cemetery was dark and secreted by trees. Moonlight trickled through their naked branches, casting finger-like shadows across the headstones. A chilly breeze blew through the area.

She slipped behind one of the larger headstones and hunkered down. Straining to hear the slightest movement, nothing but silence filled the air. Too much silence, she thought. Usually, there was the sound of crickets or frogs, but to hear nothing, caused a stab of panic. She started to make yet another escape, when a small sound alerted her that she wasn't alone. A chill descended upon her, and she felt her muscles tense.  The stranger had followed her into the cemetery, after all.

She pressed her back against the cold granite, and tried to catch her breath. If she peeked from the headstone, the stranger may see her. But if she didn't, she'd never know which direction to run. Gathering her courage, she looked. The cemetery was devoid of life. Grave markers pointed accusingly at the night sky. She warily stepped from the safety of her hiding place. Traces of moonlight hit her skin and streamed past. Poised at a breath of relief, there was a sudden sharp tap on her shoulder. She turned with a cry.

The shadow of the stranger was frightening, as she'd expected. However, a curious sense of relief washed over her. At least now, she knew what she was dealing with. "Not today," she said, backing away. "Not now."

His reply stopped time.


The Giveaway! 

Prize package for 
BETWEEN includes a signed paperback or ecopy (your choice), 
Celtic Design key necklace, and a pair of Angel wings earrings, crafted by Clarissa Johal

How far would you go to redeem yourself?

After a devastating accident, Lucinda moves to a small town in an attempt to start over. Unable to escape her grief, she is plagued by haunting nightmares. Just as she fears she’s spiraling out of control, two newcomers move into the coastal town. Lucas is protective and caring, and she feels an immediate connection. The other stranger is more of a worry. Though everything about Cronan warns her to keep her distance, Lucinda is attracted to him in a way she can’t ignore.
Drawn into a bitter tug-of-war, Lucinda is pulled into a dangerous twist of past and present events. She discovers the two men are locked in not only a battle for her life...but a battle for salvation.

Available - ebook and print
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Barnes and Noble

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep Hopping!


  1. Those final lines were amazing, Clarissa. Looking to be an excellent hop!

  2. A wonderful start to the hop, and a great spooky story.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, you guys! Happy hopping :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for organizing this hop!

    saphsbookblog at gmail dot com

  6. This sounds good!


  7. Loved your story, Clarissa - great ending :)

  8. Ooh, love all the tension in this piece. And what an awesome giveaway, too! :)

  9. Awesome start to my fave holiday season and Hop. Hop on peeps, hop on!

  10. You are very welcome, Mary! Thanks for stopping by :)


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