Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday-Volunteering for the Cause

Photo courtesy of ckaiserca via Flickr
If you're looking for a way to make a difference it doesn't always take money. Your time is extremely valuable to those in need. Dumping a bucket of ice water over your head to raise awareness for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is great but how about volunteering your time? Many non-profit programs need volunteers to assist in helping those debilitated with ALS. Typical assistance might include helping with minor household chores, a friendly visit, walking the dog, running errands, or escorting the person during outings. Wearing pink for awareness? Training for the Susan G. Komen Race? There are breast cancer centers in dire need of volunteers to drive woman to-and-from their treatments and provide companionship for the experience. Do you like to cook? Preparing meals for the family so these women don't have to worry about dinner after treatment is always appreciated. Are animals more your thing? I can't name one animal shelter that would turn down volunteers to help with dog walking, cat litter scooping or cleaning in general. These aren't glamorous jobs and they aren't always fun--but they're crucial.

If you don't know where to start VolunteerMatch will match your interests to a cause. Most causes are flexible and will work with your schedule. 


  1. That is such a wonderful message. I totally agree with you in all points. Volunteering is a great option for individuals, who wouldn't be able to contribute financially to a cause. Volunteering can take up a lot of physical effort, but at the end of the day, it's really all worth it, with that amazing feeling of having helped. Thank you for sharing! I hope you're having a good summer.

    Howard Lynch @ Hunky Dory

  2. Thank YOU for stopping by, Gerald! Enjoy your summer as well :)


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