Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Open the Window #paranormal #ghosts #book #author


It's been a long while since I've posted. My writing has been in fits-and-starts due to *everything* (plus a few personal things thrown on top, just for fun). The past eight months, I've done a lot of hiking just to keep my sanity. 

I sense a new chapter is beginning, though. Not only for the world, but for myself. My characters have been waking up one by one. They're whispering in my ear at night while I'm sleeping. They're scratching at the glass to escape their own quarantines. If only that Auther person would get on it and open the damn window...

That said, I've promised to release them and I always keep my promises. Stay with me, readers. Don't forget I'm here. The sequel to Poppy will be coming in 2021. 

While you're waiting for that sequel, why don't you pick up another one of my books to pass the time (if you haven't already)? They're available via Amazon

Go on, don't be shy. It would honestly make my day. ;)